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"I'm Sad About Vermont" Tee

"I'm Sad About Vermont" Tee

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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Absolutely sure, Vermont is charming as hell with its gorgeous foliage, quaint little towns, and top-notch maple syrup. But, let's face it, it's also soul-crushingly depressing once winter hits. That's where our special "I 😢 Vermont" line of clothing comes in. It perfectly sums up that 'Middle-of-February, I-don't-remember-what-the-sun-looks-like, why-do-I-live-here-again?' kinda vibe that hits Vermonter's like a Bobby Orr slapshot. Buy it as a therapy tool to help you through the snow-induced ennui, or send it as a cruel joke to your ex who moved there thinking it was all Ben & Jerry's and ski trips. We're not your therapist, we just cash those sweet, sweet sympathy checks. Regardless of why you're rocking the 'I 😢 Vermont' slogan, you can bet that our apparel is top tier. The clothing is crafted from uber comfy, 100% breathable cotton (because let's face it, even though it's freezing outside, your thermostat is cranked up to sauna levels). The design is printed right here in the U.S. with durable, will-last-longer-than-your-winter-depression inks. Comes in T-shirts, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, and hoodies - so you can bear your cold, cold Vermont soul to the world in whatever style floats your boat.
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