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"I'm Sad About Minnesota" Sweatshirt

"I'm Sad About Minnesota" Sweatshirt

Regular price $21.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $21.99 USD
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Listen, we get it. Minnesota winters hit you right where it hurts - in the feeling everything's section of your body. It's almost as if someone up there said, "right, let's just turn this place into the ice parking lot of the United States every winter", then just checked the weather forecast and left. Wearing this shirt might not make the bitter cold any less brutal, but it will certainly let people know exactly how delicate you are about dealing with it. After all, nothing speaks louder than a big "I 😢 Minnesota" plastered across your chest for everyone to see. And who knows? It might make Eskimos, well, whoever is crazy enough to live there and enjoys cold weather, feel sorry enough for you to share their fire. Or it might not, we really don't care. We've got the money and the warmth. Tough luck, snowman. Our shirts, hoodies, and sweaters are all made from %100 complete, sadistic comfort cotton, so you're going to feel great while the cold makes you feel...not so great. The print is durable and vibrant, like the spirit of the Minnesotans who wear it. And suffer under the weight of the unending chill. No matter how you feel about Minnesota, one thing's for sure - if you're likely to shed a tear over the weather, you may as well look good doing it.
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