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"I'm Relieved about Ohio" Hoodie

"I'm Relieved about Ohio" Hoodie

Regular price $34.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $34.99 USD
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You've probably wondered how people survive the infamous Ohio winters, and honestly, so have we. But this shirt is for those brave souls who stand on the icy shores of Lake Erie, look mother nature in the eye and say, "Really? Again?" Yeah, you're probably going to need to take a deep breath, shake off the chills, and sigh in relief 😌 when you finally trudge back inside from your sub-zero escapade. But hey, you thrive off the adrenaline rush of seasonal survival, right? Maybe you're in Ohio because of work, love, or some strange cosmic joke. Maybe you have a deep-rooted affinity for year-round overcast skies and season-based emotional states. Or, maybe you just love feeling that rush of intense relief when you crack open a can of chili after clearing your driveway of snow for the 11th time. It's mixed feelings, sure, but that's Ohio for you. Congratulations, badass. You're doing it. You're living in Ohio. Just like you, our gear reflects that tough, resilient, "I can handle it" spirit. Made from optimal softness, 100% breathable cotton, it's perfect for those bro-freezing nights. And even if your folks back in the balmy state of sanity—I mean, Florida—don't understand it, that's fine. The vibrant, durable inks on our clothing scream your love-hate relationship loud and clear. Just like that proud sigh of relief you give every time you endure another Ohio winter. Here's to you – the Ohioan 😌. Cherish that thrill. Wear it. Share it. Or use it as a warning sign for your friends thinking about settling in Ohio. We won't judge.
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