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"I Grimace About Alaska" Long Sleeve Shirt

"I Grimace About Alaska" Long Sleeve Shirt

Regular price $19.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.99 USD
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Sure, Alaska might have some picturesque nature scenes, but let's be real, it's colder than a polar bear's toenails most of the year. If we were stuck in permafrost conditions, we'd be displaying an 😬 too. Ever wonder why it's named, "The Last Frontier?" Because no one else was crazy enough to call this place home. But hey, props to you if you managed to survive out there. Or maybe you just like to pretend like you would? You do you. So go ahead. Sport this shirt proudly or ironically. We sure as hell aren't going to tell you what to do. We get paid regardless and jack up the heat in our office, because, well, we can. Each item is made from 100% primo cotton, so you'll be comfortable whether you're nestled up by the fire or braving the artic tundra. And thanks to it's high-grade printing, these resilient designs won't fade when faced with the wrath of your washing machine. Get ready to rack up some serious style points and rush delivery to your heated living room.
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